Bianca Guimaraes: Mischievous Marvel

By Alixandra Rutnik on Dec 14, 2023

ECD and Founding Partner at Mischief discusses the positive impact The One Club has had on her creative career

’Tis the season to be jolly, as the song says, but for us at The One Club for Creativity, shining a spotlight on the phenomenal creatives who make up our membership base doesn’t have a particular season — it’s a 365 days a year kind of thing!

That said, this is the time of year for giving, so we wanted to present you with the gift of inspiration by highlighting the stories of a handful of our accomplished One Club members. With the help of Brooklyn-based photographer Suzanne Saroff — a card-carrying member herself— we’ve captured these creatives in a series of gorgeous portraits.

Next in line is Executive Creative Director and Founding Partner at Mischief, Bianca Guimaraes. Since winning Next Creative Leaders in 2016, Bianca has served on many of The One Club’s awards juries, won an unbelievable nine Gold Pencils and a Best of Discipline in The One Show, two ADC Gold Cubes, a One Screen Best of Show (oh, and an Emmy) in 2020, all for her work on "Back to School Essentials" for Sandy Hook Promise — and became a mother of two along the way!



We just know you are going to love what Bianca and fellow Mischief ECD Kevin Mulroy will have to say at Creative Leaders Retreat 2024 this February in New Orleans. But in the meantime, Bianca has plenty to say about what being part of The One Club community has meant to her.


As Executive Creative Director and Founding Partner at Mischief and a Momma to a 4-year-old and a new baby, how do you balance both of your full-time jobs?

Before I became a mom, I couldn’t imagine being one on top of everything else I do. Then I got pregnant, and surprisingly it has actually turned me into a more efficient creative. I use my time better and procrastinate a lot less because I want to be home!

I also got a whole new perspective from becoming a mother. We do advertising for so many products and brands that are talking to parents, and now I can better relate to and communicate with those clients.

Overall, having kids has made me a better creative. There are days when I go to work even though I haven’t slept. Even right now, my brain isn’t working because I have a six month old baby. Still, the positives definitely outweigh the negatives.

There was never a moment in my career where I thought, “Okay, things are slowing down. It’s a great time to have a kid.” Do not wait for the moment. You’ll make it work.


When did you first learn about The One Club and realize it was a community you wanted to be involved in?

Thirteen years ago, when I moved to the United States from Brazil, I saw people winning Pencils and going to all the awards ceremonies. I went through The One Club’s archives, which is something I really love about being a member — it is incredible to have full access to all of that amazing work. I love telling other creatives to go look at specific work or just browse through the archives.

One of my first awards I won was a Silver Pencil for Band-Aid Magic Vision. It was an exciting moment to go to The One Show, step on stage, and receive a coveted Silver Pencil. And with that, I became part of the very same archives that were such a big part of my growth and inspiration!

“I went through The One Club’s archives, which is something I really love about being a member — it is incredible to have access to all of that amazing work.”



In what ways did your Next Creative Leaders win in 2016 empower you as a woman and help your career flourish?

When I tell the story of how I got here, those moments of being featured as a Next Creative Leader are what changed everything. I’m not exaggerating — it puts you on the map as a creative. To enter NCL, you submit a portfolio that shows people who you are, and then if you win, all of a sudden, the phone starts ringing. People see you and your work, and recruiters are interested. You even start getting more opportunities inside the agency where you work. Networking is another huge benefit of winning because the other Next Creative Leaders are part of a connected group who share experiences, and to me, that is worth everything.

“Networking is another huge benefit of winning because the other Next Creative Leaders are part of a connected group who share experiences, and to me, that is worth everything.”


Connect. Learn. Elevate. Give Back. Which one of these membership themes resonates with you the most, and how do you engage with the creative community?

I always participate in The One Club’s events and network with members, because there is a lot of value in having access to individuals in leadership positions. As a junior, I gained so much through The One Club community, so when I became a senior, it was always important for me to give back, do panels and portfolio reviews, and help people the same way I was helped. When you review junior portfolios, you end up learning just as much as they do.

And judging is one of the best ways to stay on top of your game. I always feel the sharpest in my profession a couple of months after judging an award show– it’s super inspiring, and I love to do it. During and after judging, I always think, “I want to do better, I want to do more, and I wish I had done that.” And “Oh wow, look at how people are doing things differently. Maybe we should try that.” Your drive just goes up, and it’s good to listen to what other people in the industry are looking for in award-winning work.

“As a junior, I gained so much through The One Club community, so when I became a senior, it was always important for me to give back, do panels and portfolio reviews, and help people the same way I was helped.”


How do you want the creative community to see you?

At Mischief, I’ve found reward in building something bigger than one idea or one campaign that is successful– we’re building an agency to have an impact on the industry. So, if I am known as someone who helped shape the industry, that would be pretty special to me. Most importantly, I want to be a role model for women and people from other countries to see that advertising is a career possibility and that there is a future for them here in this industry. To be a light for others would mean the world to me.



We hear time and time again how much our members love to give back through reviewing portfolios, mentoring, and judging... not only because they are helping the next generation of creatives, but also because it helps their own creativity flourish.

Bianca’s role as a member is a stellar example of what this community can do for you to excel in your career and to bring others up with you along the way. And she's not alone: in recent weeks we've also featured the stories of members Suzanne Saroff and Juan Carlos Pagan, with more coming in the new year!

From winning awards to judging awards, from building networks to imparting wisdom, from finding inspiration in our archives to giving inspirational talks, being a member offers endless opportunities to be the best creative you can be, and we want to help you get there!

Ready to start making an impact? Join us today!





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